Sunday - 1/1/2017
I started my new year by ringing it in with some of the most amazing people possible. My friend from New York thew a party at his new house which meant that we didn't have to brave the Disney crowds. I would have thrown the party but I had family in town and they're notorious for going to bed early. One huge perk of this party was that the Jedi got to meet New York and Vegas. It also, unfortunately, meant this is the last New Years I'll get to spend with Vegas. In February, he'll sadly be moving to Las Vegas for his job.
Outfit for the night! Naturally all White House Black Market |
Three Mouseketeers and Jedi! |
Three Mouseketeers? |
The lovely host of the evening |
Monday - 1/2/2017
I was able to get a quick 2 mile run in the morning and some stretching. Lately I've been neglecting any form of yoga so my legs and back have been extremely tight.
Jedi was willing to go check out the house for my mom with me, so we went to meet with my realtor. The house was surprisingly beautiful. It has an amazing view, beautiful land, and a nice structure. My poor mom received the report that she might want to fly down to check it out.
Jedi and I got back to my house and hung out watching Netflix for a bit. While we did that I attempted to finish my tree skirt that was supposed to be finished by Christmas. Obviously, I haven't finished it yet.
Tuesday - 1/3/2017
On Tuesday I had to go back to work. As expected it was an extremely slow day because everyone was getting back into the swing of things. Unfortunately for me I was still feeling the effects of my lack of sleep over the weekend so I dragged all day. When I got home I may or may not have fallen asleep on the couch.
Yes I have a cow calendar at my desk.... |
Wednesday at work was fairly slow, but thankfully picked up as the day went on. I skipped out on my lunch break to go visit Cupid and apologize for only making it out to her once over the weekend. While she may not be my lease right now I do feel a personal responsibility to make sure she stays happy and socialized.
Thursday - 1/5/2017
While at work we had a quick meeting regarding dress code. During this meeting skinny jeans, work appropriate tops, and sandals were discussed. I personally can't stand conversations about dress code. It forces people to get defensive and puts a spotlight on those who have accidentally violated the dress code.
That afternoon I received a quick text from Jedi "What's realtor's contact information? I need to get out of my rental property." This was a nice start to my day because I've become pretty fond of searching for houses. We made plans to hang out after I got off work but that didn't happen because he got off work late and just wanted to go to bed.
Friday - 1/6/2017
Friday, I got to stand through a meeting discussing how bad of a storm the southern states are getting. I also had a jeans day option, but because of the meeting the previous day I elected not to participate. I only buy my jeans from White House Black Market and have a pair dedicated to work dress down days. But because of the meeting the day before I decided it wasn't worth the hassle.
After work Jedi and I were finally able to hang out and look at the houses he was interested in. He had contacted my realtor and was sent a whole list of houses in our area for his consideration.
Saturday - 1/7/2017
Which finally brings us to today. My car was sorely overdue for an oil change so that was in order. While there they naturally were able to find something wrong with my car and recommended I get the tires aligned. This would be a nice thing to do but it'll have to wait a few weeks until after a few changes have taken place.
Because the Goodyear is by Dover I naturally had to make a stop. While there I was there I was able to find the set of reins that my trainer suggested I buy. At 25 I'm now officially living my pony kid dreams. I have a 14.1 hand, grey pony mare, and now I have a set of pastel rainbow reins. I wish I could say I was embarrassed to buy them but it was super exciting to pick them out. I plan on trying them on Cupid tomorrow to make sure I bought the right size. If not, I'll have to run to Dover after my lesson to make an exchange.
Hello Goodyear, we meet again |
Hummingbird feeder that I totally should have gotten |
Rainbow reins and Wonder Dust #GreenBeanProblems |
*If anyone has a suggestion for a Valentine's day costume for a horse let me know! With a pony named Cupid I definitely have to play up the Valentine's day cheesiness.